
Planning for Christmas and beyond

By Myrtle Wooldridge


Twenty members were welcomed by president Ken Young to the Rivers 50+ Club meeting, which opened with the singing of O Cananda. 

A letter from Rivers and Area Lions Club requesting a donation for their annual seniors Christmas supper was supported on a motion to donate $50. It was also agreed to pay our annual rent ($500) to Rivers Town Office.

Ken Williamson and Darlene Wright will donate cookies for lunch following our club members singing at Riverdale Personal Care 水果视频. 

Caroline Wells presented a report on the Westman Games District meeting at Shoal Lake. We are hosting regional table shuffleboard on Feb. 25. Bids to host finals must be in by Jan. 1; we plan on submitting a bid to host floor curling. Crib games on the first and third Mondays are averaging an attendance of 12.

We will have a catered Christmas dinner on Dec. 18; our phoning committee will contact members regarding their attendance. It was suggested we have a variety concert following the meal; Myrtle Wooldridge, Betty Frazer and Olive Johns will organize the same. Lil Kopytko and Audrey Ashton will organize decorating the tree and setting up the dinner table.

Our next meeting is Dec. 18 (the Christmas meal); the Nov. 20 meeting was adjourned by singing God Save the Queen. Several members attended the birthday table which was decorated with a winter/Christmas theme.