It’s the most wonderful time of the year

By Sharlette Paddock

      Secretary. Rivers Legion

It’s hard to believe but Christmas is not that far away! We are excited to have the opportunity to offer hotdogs and drinks at Rivers Legion after the Santa Claus parade this year!

On Dec. 6 at 11 a.m. we will sell a hotdog with your choice of drink (coffee, hot chocolate or juice) for a small fee. We will also have a bake sale running at that same time — donations of baking are readily accepted ahead of time. You may bring cut and wrapped baking to the Legion Friday night (Dec. 5) between 7-8 p.m. or Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. There will be a draw for an outdoor Christmas ornament as well. To get your name entered to win this prize you just need to bring in one non-perishable food item.

We have joyously received more than 1,000 pounds of food from the students (high school and elementary school) who collected on Halloween night on behalf of the Me to We program. We have also received generous support from Rivers Women’s Institute and all the churches of our great community.

We did have one hiccup in donations earlier this fall. Many people donated vegetables through the sale at the high school on the understanding that they were to be directed to our food bank. However, the food was given to Winnipeg Harvest; we thank you for thinking of us as you purchased those veggies. Please take heart knowing that you have blessed many in our capital city.

If you are in need of a hamper, please call Sharlette at 204-328-7341 before noon on Sunday for an appointment on Monday. Call Liliane at 204-328-7968 before noon on Wednesday for an appointment on Thursday.