Piece Makers present projects

By Rhonda Krahn

In 2013 Rivers Piece Makers had a quilt show and raffle at Rivers’ Centennial, where we raised some money for charity. We chose to use the money to purchase fabric and supplies to make quilts.

At our Tuesday, Nov. 4 work bee we presented these quilts, along with some stuffed toys, to Rivers EMS. The quilts will be given to children who are being transported by ambulance. We were very pleased that most of the ambulance crew arrived to accept our donation — we were expecting one representative. Our members posed with them, back row L/R: Ted Mayor, Conrad Winter, Dennis Jahns, Josh Tait, Richard Brown, Jodi Wilson, Jim Duthie, Jamie Allen, Randy King, Les Windsor, Robbie Brown. Front row L/R: Wendy Loewen, Betty Ann Bertrand, Marg Hunter, Sharon Wolstenholme, Corina Lepp, Susan Citulsky, Donna Treloar, Audrey Ashton, Crystal Bourdin.