
Thumbs up, thumbs down - January 12, 2018

Would you like to send a thumbs up or thumbs down to an individual or group in the community? Please send it our way. Submissions must include a name and must be under 100 words. We want to hear from you! In person: 243 Hamilton St. Neepawa By fax: 204-476-5073 By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A huge thumbs up to Bill Fraser and family from Franklin for the many years of Christmas light displays. Travellers would slow (many would take pictures) to appreciate the hours of work involved. A beautiful site to see. 
Nadine Kulbacki, Eden

A thumbs up to 水果视频 Hydro for the new LED street lights. Much more light on the streets.
Grant Hurrel (Hymie), Neepawa