
Baker steps down from Neepawa Town Council

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner

Voters in Neepawa will return to the polls a little bit earlier than expected, as Jodi Baker has resigned from Town Council. 

Read more: Baker steps down from Neepawa Town Council

Plenty of games but movies are cancelled

By Myrtle Wooldridge

Twenty-three members attended the March 26 meeting of Rivers 50+ Club; new member Hugh Depencier was welcomed. Information was given for the Seniors Day at Austin on June 2; president Ken Young will get information as to the cost to taking the handi-transit there. If you are interested in going, names are to be presented at our next meeting on April 16.

Read more: Plenty of games but movies are cancelled

Pain Busters Arthritis Forum

Submitted Article

The Arthritis Society has partnered with 水果视频 Assistance Neepawa and District, Royal Canadian Legion and Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Harris Pharmacy, and Handy Van to provide a day forum in Neepawa at the Royal Canadian Legion, 425 Brown Ave, on Thursday April 16/15 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm.

Read more: Pain Busters Arthritis Forum

Fresh crocus photos get prizes in Arden

By John Dietz

Lansdowne Heritage Resources & Tourism Committee

It鈥檚 time, the wild prairie crocus is stretching out from below the brown grasses of last fall and getting ready to bloom. It鈥檚 also time to get out the camera for fresh crocus photos.

Read more: Fresh crocus photos get prizes in Arden

Tractor to help rehab

By Lorne Radcliffe

Once upon a time, I, Lorne Radcliffe, purchased this tractor from Mary Rouse of Bradwardine. I had been alerted about the tractor, a Fordson Major diesel, by a friend and the rest is history. It was sitting in an abandoned farm yard and was quite visible from the road. Mrs. Rouse sold it to me with a verbal understanding that I would not resell it for a profit. 


Read more: Tractor to help rehab